Personal Branding for Startup Founders

Turn your LinkedIn account into a lead generation machine for your Startup

Turn your LinkedIn account into a lead generation machine for your Startup

Grow from 0 to +100,000 impressions per month, generate website traffic, backlinks, more leads, while making a name for yourself.

Grow from 0 to +100,000 impressions per month, generate website traffic, backlinks, more leads, while making a name for yourself.

Grow from 0 to +100,000 impressions per month, generate website traffic, backlinks, more leads, while making a name for yourself.


People relate to people, not brands

People relate to people, not brands

People relate to people, not brands

The fastest growing startups are leveraging their founder's brand, do it too!

From LinkedIn carousels to text posts, we help you get views that generate business, not just likes and vanity metrics.

We design your LinkedIn strategy with BOFU, MOFU and TOFU content.


For who?

We're able to adapt to your industry, we're particularly good with B2B SaaS

B2B Startup Founders

We have a strong expertise in B2B SaaS in particular

B2C Startup Founders

We have a strong knowledge in these fields: Sales, Law, Finance, Video & Social Media


People relate to people, not brands

People relate to people, not brands

People relate to people, not brands

Supercharge your personal brand now!




Generates you website traffic (most popular)

31 LinkedIn posts per month (1 post/day)

Creation of your personal brand identity + LinkedIn carousel templates

Creation of your LinkedIn strategy & funnel

Goal is to reach between 50K to 1M impressions per month (it varies depending on your industry)




Generates you tons of leads

Everything included in Unicorn and:

Lead magnet posts created by our team

Daily engagement with +25 B2B influencers on your behalf in your startup niche (key for high growth)

Repurposing of your LinkedIn posts into Tweets & Threads to grow your Twitter account

Warm Leads from your LI posts transmitted to your sales team, enriched with email addresses




Generates you website traffic (most popular)

31 LinkedIn posts per month (1 post/day)

Creation of your personal brand identity + LinkedIn carousel templates

Creation of your LinkedIn strategy & funnel

Goal is to reach between 50K to 1M impressions per month (it varies depending on your industry)




Generates you tons of leads

Everything included in Unicorn and:

Lead magnet posts created by our team

Daily engagement with +25 B2B influencers on your behalf in your startup niche (key for high growth)

Repurposing of your LinkedIn posts into Tweets & Threads to grow your Twitter account

Warm Leads from your LI posts transmitted to your sales team, enriched with email addresses


Do you think it's expensive?

We show you it's not

If the service is run with LinkCentaurs

Low cost, high returns on your personal brand & business

From $850 to $2500


You are not committed to full-time employees

Our team is trained and experienced in different topics (eg. SEO, SaaS, Ads, Law, Finance)

We'll scale your personal brand faster than a junior employee

ROI with us is incredible if you have a high paying offer

If the service is run in-house without LinkCentaurs

High cost, long term investment with low ROI

Minimum $6000


You will have to hire someone full-time

Junior roles are untrained and unexperienced (high turnover as well)

Hiring senior roles is a lot more than $6000 per month

You also need to pay for softwares, insurances, computers, etc.


Why do we have expertise on the matter?

I've grown my Twitter account from 0 to +8,000 followers in less than 6 months

Discover how we can grow your personal brand in 30 minutes.

30 minutes to change the trajectory of your personal brand, for ever.